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With the advent of the ‘internet of things’ the rapid changing market places, business advances progressing faster every day, as a leader: How can you lead and manage your people, as well as your organisation, in this ever changing world? Despite being beneficial at time, these changes have brought with it increased volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity or, as it’s now known in leadership terminology as - VUCA. VUCA is now seen as the ‘new norm’, with ‘VUCA Conversation’ defining the new art and style of leadership in the 21stCentury.

This training course will provide you with the confidence, skills and techniques to fully understand the implications of VUCA on your people and your organisation. It will enable you to conduct and apply the techniques required to master this new style and art of leadership. The training course will breakdown the implications of VUCA, how to turn this into positive leadership attributes and behaviours to master VUCA, and the skills and strategy to ensure its success. By the end of the training seminar, you will have the confidence to control VUCA effectively, thereby increasing your expanding leadership knowledge and mastery. This training course is essential for those who wish to learn key behavioural principles in leading people in today’s rapidly changing VUCA world.

This training will highlight:

  • The key components of active leadership, self-awareness and the power of emotional intelligence in leading through VUCA
  • How to recognize volatility in the business and turn this to positive vision
  • How to define uncertainty in your organisation, and turn this to understanding
  • How to understand complexity in the organisation and to turn this to clarity for your people
  • How to identify ambiguity in the business and adapt this to agility
  • The key principles and process to lead your people, teams and the organisation through VUCA


At the end of this training, you will learn to:

  • Understand the impact of VUCA on leading styles in today’s dynamic business
  • Critically analyze the VUCA principle
  • Apply powerful skills and techniques to lead through VUCA
  • Increase self-awareness of your leadership ability in today’s changing world
  • Apply techniques to lead, motivate and inspire individuals to their full-potential
  • Demonstrate the best leadership principles
  • Develop as an effective and efficient leader in the modern world

Training Methodology

Participants to this training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the course outline with the instructor utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. The highly interactive and participative training course methodology includes highly practical examples and activities relating to the core competencies of VUCA Conversation; specific videos relating to the topics being discussed; as well as targeted, highly interactive exercises ensure learning is fully embedded during the training course.  In addition, there will be structured, facilitated discussions to help reinforce the concepts and techniques used.

Organisational Impact

Organisations will greatly benefit from sending delegates on the training course by:

  • Ensuring that there is full understanding of VUCA Conversation, so eliminating confusion and misinterpretation
  • Gaining more motivated, confident and proficient future leaders in the organisation
  • Increasing the positive interpersonal behaviours and communication skills of individuals and leadership in the organisation
  • Reducing workplace problems and issues through effective VUCA Conversation strategies and techniques
  • Increasing decision making, strategy and positive leadership across the organisation
  • Developing leadership, ownership and empowerment within the organisation
  • Have a positive impact on the business and business growth

Personal Impact

As a participant on the training course you will gain:

  • A greater understanding and application of VUCA Conversation techniques
  • Critical leadership development increasing emotional intelligence, self-awareness and fulfilment
  • Techniques to help empower people to achieve greater potential and development
  • An increased awareness of your behaviour and communication skills and how to improve these
  • Pro-actively develop and help influence VUCA Conversation to those around you
  • Have a positive impact on the business and your own leadership development and growth

Who Should Attend?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals in leadership roles but will greatly benefit:

  • Directors
  • Senior managers
  • Middle managers
  • Identified talent, high potentials and future leaders in the business



VUCA Leadership in the Modern World

  • Defining VUCA in the modern world: the ‘new norm’
  • Understanding Leadership
  • Traditional Leadership styles vs. VUCA Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence and the Self-aware VUCA Leader
  • Leading through Change: key principles needed for VUCA

  (Cognitive Readiness, the preparedness and agility to handle the situation at hand and still prevail, is a valued skill set in the VUCA world. To lead successfully in the VUCA world, leaders need to LEAP through the fog and demonstrate core cognitive readiness competencies, as well as possesses the following traits: Liberal, Exuberant, Agility and Partnership)

 How can you keep up with the rate of change when you are at the helm of a large organization and you are tasked with bringing innovation to your company?


VUCA: from Volatility to Vision

  • Defining ‘Volatility’ in the VUCA framework
  • Impact of volatility in the team and organisation
  • Providing effective leadership in time of volatility
  • Building rapport and developing trust
  • Turning Volatility to Vision
  • Leading people to the powerful Vision

(It is clear that consumer preferences and trends are ever changing and the rapid turnover in brands, products, and companies is proof that business leaders cannot take their leadership position for granted anymore. the business landscape that is characterized by extreme volatility means that business leaders have to focus on getting there early and staying there for the future. In other words, business leaders have to channelize their energies so that they know the future to compete in the present.)

Purpose allows every member of the organization to make decisions.


VUCA: from Uncertainty to Understanding

  • Factors effecting uncertainty
  • Understand your team and organisation dynamics
  • Key communication principles to gain understanding
  • Coaching and Mentoring to combat and control uncertainty
  • Leading understanding in the workplace

(With the increase in exponential trends and the increase in points of origin for change, more uncertainty has been added to the system. Not just are things changing fast, but they are getting more and more difficult to anticipate. We cannot rely on the past as an indicator of the future. There is less and less certainty in our projections. This uncertainty is terrifying.

While purpose gives us a foundation, we also need to build a container that we feel safe in.

This container is created through Vision.

We want to hear about a possible positive future. We want to learn about what could be.)

As a leader, it is your job to inspire vision.



VUCA: from Complexity to Clarity

  • Why so complex?
  • Check and clarify: the keys to gain clarity
  • Using RACI to define roles and responsibilities
  • Crucial conversation  to gain clarity
  • Problem solving and decision making methods to aid clarity
  • Communicating clarity to your people

(Change can come from anywhere. An individual today has more power than any individual in the past. We have more information available to us, and a single individual could destroy this whole planet. This introduces a whole new order of complexity. We now see more clearly the inter-relatedness of all things. We need to Research: find out as much as you can about them, their vision, their values and what’s important. Define: get clear on your outcomes/goals, your vision and support you’re looking for. Clarify: make sure present your information in a way that aligns with their vision and goals. Confirm: back up your claims with statistics and number. The Delivery: share your story and vision in a way that connects with and engages your stakeholder.

Your portfolio of strategic tracks is designed to move you toward your vision and fulfill your purpose.


VUCA: from Ambiguity to Agility

  • Defining ambiguity v agility in VUCA
  • Reactive v Pro-active strategies in the workplace
  • Continuous Improvement: adapt and agile
  • Developing an agile team: empowerment
  • Organisation agility

(In a world where everything changes faster than ever, is more uncertain than ever, and more complex, how do we know we are on track? While traditional KPIs measure one aspect of success, that of financial profit, it is a limited view of the world we want to create.

We get to determine additional indicators of success that support us in resolving ambiguity that will provide us with the feedback we need to have confidence in our actions.)

Progress indicators give us the confidence that we are moving toward our vision and are executing toward our purpose, our timeless legacy.

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The 21 Irrefutable LAWS of LEADERSHIP

2 Day(s)


 In The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership delivers a powerful, definitive statement of the foundational laws that shape leadership. Each principle has stood the test of time, holding true from generation to generation. These learnable laws are the starting point of leadership. Follow them, and you’ll gain influence. Violate them, and you’ll impair your ability to lead. As you read about the laws, you’ll recognize that you already practice some of them effectively. Other laws will expose weaknesses you weren’t aware you had. Whatever your current level of influence, increasing the number of laws you apply in your life will make you a better leader.

Module 1 – The Law of the Lid

 Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The lower the lid, the lower the ceiling on your potential. Oppositely, the higher your lid is, the greater your capacity for achievement. Your personal and organizational success is tied to the strength of your leadership.

 Module 2 – The Law of Influence

 The true measure of leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. Leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. Influence cannot be mandated, only earned. Lack of an official title doesn’t preclude you from leading, nor does having a position of authority qualify you to lead.

Module 3 – The Law of Process

 Leaders develop daily, not in a day. Becoming a person of influence is a lot like investing in the stock market. If you hope to make a fortune overnight, then you’re going to be disappointed. What matters most is what you do day by day over the long haul.

 Module 4 – The Law of Navigation

 Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Leaders see the whole trip in their minds before they start the journey. They have a vision for their destination, understand what’s required to get there, and know whom they need on the team to be successful. Leaders keep an eye on the future, scanning the horizon for indications of which course appears the best. Then, based on what they see, they set the direction for the organization.

Module 5 – The Law of E.F. Hutton

 When the real leader speaks, people listen. Within five minutes of observing a meeting, you can pinpoint the key influencer by paying attention to eye contact. Who do people watch after a question has been asked? Whose opinion do they wait to hear? The person they look to is the real leader. People don’t listen to a leader because of the message being communicated; they listen out of respect for the speaker.

 Module 6 – The Law of Solid Ground

Trust is the foundation of leadership. When it comes to influence, you can’t take shortcuts, no matter how long you’ve been leading your people. To build trust, a leader must exemplify competence, connection, and character. People may forgive occasional mistakes based on ability, but they won’t trust anyone with shoddy character. No leader can break trust with her people and expect to retain influence.

Module 7 – The Law of Respect

 People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves. The less skilled follow the more highly skilled and gifted. The more leadership ability a person has, the more quickly he recognizes leadership—or its absence—in others. In time, people line up to follow those they respect, or else they leave the team to pursue their own agenda.

 Module 8 – The Law of Intuition

 Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. Great leaders have talent, but they also possess instincts and other intangible qualities that earn them the right to lead. Their intuition enables them quickly to size up a situation and take the appropriate action. They’re excellent readers of people and trends, and they use this knowledge to advance their goals.

Module 9 – The Law of Magnetism

 Who you are is who you attract. Good leaders understand the need to recruit people who complement their strengths, but these are not the people they naturally draw to their side. The leaders you attract will be similar to you in style and ability. To improve the caliber of your followers, get better yourself, for a team cannot be anything other than an extension of the leader’s personality.

Module 10 – The Law of Connection

 Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. They connect with their followers emotionally before calling them to action. As a leader, you will gain credibility only when you demonstrate a genuine interest in the welfare of others. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Module 11 – The Law of Empowerment

 Only secure leaders give power to others. Such leaders lift up those they lead—giving them resources, encouragement, and credit. Empowering leaders place a high belief in their people. They see the best in those they lead, and inspire them to reach their potential.

 Module 12 – The Law of Reproduction

 It takes a leader to raise up a leader. People cannot give to others what they themselves do not possess. Commit to personal growth, and then pour everything you know into your people. Do that long enough, with enough people, and you’ll develop a leadership culture where talented performers flock.


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Positive mindset transformation


2 Days



·       Recognise the link between assertiveness, confidence and self-esteem

·       Identify the best approach to use when voicing ideas and opinions to colleagues and especially senior managers

·       Handle difficult situations and people confidently and assertively

·       Deal with criticism, confrontation, anger and negativity effectively and positively

·       Overcome feelings of apprehension and understand the importance of language and body language to assertiveness

·       Develop techniques for better working relationships using assertiveness.

·       Changing the Mindset

·       The Techniques of Problem Solving

Who should attend

This course is ideal for supervisors and below and Managers

Course description

Mindset Transformation training course provides practical advice and techniques to boost your confidence and build self-esteem. Share experiences with others in a safe environment, understand your own behavioural styles and those of others and develop achievable techniques for communicating and behaving more assertively. On our MT training you will discover the strategies on handling conflict, problem solving, communicating assertively and developing relationships that can be applied both at work and personal life.


This programme will be conducted indoor and outdoor. This is to make the participants have a feel of Mindset Transformation based Teambuilding.



Course outline



Understanding  Styles of Behaviour


·       A definition of assertive behavior and the benefits it offers

·       Distinguishing between assertive, aggressive and passive behavior

·       Assertiveness at work-understanding human behavior.

Recognising your styles and Behaviour


  • Self-assessment of your style-the associated strengths and weaknesses
  • Cultural and gender based influences on your behaviour
  • Building relationships with work colleagues
  • Developing highly productive


Handling difficult situations, problems and conflicts


·       Put first things First

·       Confronting common problems which occur in the workplace

·       Resolving conflict-dealing with difficult people

·       Raising sensitive issues.

Assertive, persuasive and positive communication

·       Moving from negative to positive ways of thinking-building your self-esteem

·       Are you saying “yes” when you should be saying “no”?

·       The art of persuasion-getting ideas across

·       Identifying ways of building self-esteem and developing confidence.

Mindset techniques

·       Taking control through positive body language

·       BOSS vs LEADER (Management Mindset)

·       Giving and receiving critical feedback

·       Persuasion skills and coping with criticism

·       Applying assertive techniques in different workplace situations.

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Awareness Skills Training:

Failure knows no boundary and not even the rich and famous are spared. The more successful and famous a person is, the greater the likelihood that he or she has to dared to take on more risks and overcome more failures than the average person. As the saying goes: No risk, no gain. In other words, the more risks one is willing to take, the higher the chances of securing bigger success in life.


Failures have a tendency to wisen people up; the secret is to learn from it, soldier on and continue to live life with enthusiasm.


Session objectives


The training module is aimed at the promotion of the strategies for the personality development of the participants.  The rationale behind this endeavor is the recognition of the multifaceted influence of the personality of the employees upon organisational effectiveness.


The workshop will be based on the principles of experiential learning. Our training weave role-plays, interactive group activities, hands-on experiences, simulation activities, group discussions, visual aids, games, and quiz. The aim is to address problems, challenges and real-life situations with practical and concrete solutions. Our activities are designed to make learning easier for the participants by fostering interaction. They stimulate creative thinking, illustrate new concepts and challenge basic assumptions.

Our self-awareness training programs include valuable tools and use a variety of methods for learning, including:

  • Videos
  • Manuals
  • Simulations and games
  • Reinforcement
  • Case studies





Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes


·       Pointers from the great detective for a successful career

·       We see but do not see, and hear but do not hear

·       I see it , I deduce it


Module Three: Being Mindful


·       Mindfulness

·       Promoting innovations

·       Enhancing control

·       Engaging attention

·       Affecting perspective

·       Be aware


Module Four: Reflect on Life’s Connections


·       Aspiration

·       Core purpose

·       Core values

·       Golden Goal

·       Tagline


Module Five:The 5C’s of Leadership


·       Communication

·       Confidence

·       Community

·       Commitment

·       Collaboration


Module Six: Set your Goals Right


·       Goals that inspire you

·       Write down your goals

·       Make an action plan

·       Stick to your goal


Module Seven: Turning Your Failures into Successes


·       Lack of commitment

·       Not learning from past mistakes

·       Giving up

·       Lack of conviction

·       Lack of discipline

·       Low self-esteem


Module Eight: The Six Thinking Hats& The Belbin Theory


·       ‘Six thinking hats’ is a method of thinking devised by Edward de Bono

·       Personality traits

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The Effective Communications Module in the Transitions Program was designed to meet the expectations of employers from ANY industry—as well as arm our learners with the tools they need to get employed, stay employed and enjoy a prosperous career.


Our lessons and activities were painstakingly developed to ensure our learners would experience true to life situations that elicit the communication styles, methods and techniques that employers expect and demand. In addition, we formulated a sequence of high-powered topics that begin with the fundamentals for success and culminate with the acquisition of skills that exceed expectations.


We begin with a section that provides learners with valuable anger-control tools that will help them successfully negotiate the most emotionally-charged situation at work. For even in uncertain and stressful situations, the cool-headed, well-spoken, tactful professional will always win the day!


Our learners continue the Effective Communication journey by arming themselves with three of the most powerful words in the business lexicon: “I don’t know.” To our learners’ amazement, they discover how to use those three powerful words to help them listen, learn and communicate their way to on the job success!


The most successful organizations know how to create an environment that encourages, values and rewards effective communication. It´s a strategic advantage that virtually guarantees the best positions in today's fast-moving global market.

People in organizations typically spend more than 65 to 75 percent of their time in an interpersonal situation. So it's no surprise to find that poor communication is often at the root of organizational problems.

·     Is interpersonal trust lacking resulting in employee conflict and friction?

·     Are you satisfied with cross functional collaboration and program management results?

·     Are your leaders achieving the required performance from their employees?

·     Are rumors and conjecture negatively impacting your company culture versus a workforce with a high performance mind-set?

We will help you to create an organization which values communication effectively.

Program Overview

Some people seem to be able to say the right thing no matter what the situation. Their ability to navigate through tense discussions opens doors in the business world that may have otherwise closed. During this training program, participants will learn the secrets of communication pros, including building personal credibility, delivering positive and negative feedback, improving listening skills, rephrasing for better relationships, dealing with difficult people, handling negative situations, and more.

Skills exercises are interactive, allowing participants to practice what they have learned in a fun, high-energy environment. Communicating with Tact, Diplomacy, Poise, and Finesse: What to Say and How to Say It is the ideal program for those needing to improve their basic communication skills or for those looking for the extra business edge.


Program Objectives

At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Capitalize on personal style for more effective communication.
  • Describe the impact of body language and vocal tones on communication.
  • Explain the effective use of office communication tools such business letters and emails.
  • Rephrase blunt language to achieve results without offending anyone.
  • List strategies for dealing with difficult behaviors.
  • Demonstrate how to deliver constructive feedback and how to disagree politely.
  • Develop an action plan to improve communication skills.

The following outline highlights some of the course's key learning points. As part of your training program, we will modify content as needed to meet your business objectives.


The workshop will be based on the principles of experiential learning. Our training weave role-plays,interactive group activities, hands-on experiences, simulation activities, group discussions, visual aids, games, and quiz. The aim is to address problems, challenges and real-life situations with practical and concrete solutions. Our activities are designed to make learning easier for the participants by fostering interaction. They stimulate creative thinking, illustrate new concepts and challenge basic assumptions.

Our  training programs include valuable tools and use a variety of methods for learning, including:

  • Videos
  • Manuals
  • Simulations and games
  • Reinforcement
  • Case studies
  • Belbin test application
  • Johari’s Window application


Durations: 2 Days


Who Should Attend: Officers and Above


Module 1: Introduction to Business Communication

Module 2: Interpersonal skill


o  What is Business Communication?

o  A Business Communication Model

o  Encoder/Decoder Responsibilities

o  Medium vs. Channel

o  Barriers to Communication

o  Strategies for Overcoming Barriers

o  Feedback

o  Some Final Questions

o  Verbal vs. Non-verbal





o  How to Hold a Difficult Conversation

o  Provide Feedback That Has an Impact

o  Receive Feedback With Grace and Dignity

o  Improving Employee Performance

o  Overcome Your Fear of Confrontation and  Necessary Conflict

o  How to Create Team Norms

o  Communication Success Tips: Interpersonal Communication Dynamics

o  How to Demonstrate Respect at Work

o  Politics at Work - Why Politics at Work Is Risky

o  The Benefits of Assertiveness





Module 4: Expressing Facts and Opinions



       Maximising personal and organisational thinking power

       The need for analytical (critical) thinking

       Importance of creative thinking within organizations

       Brain dominance and thinking paradigms





·     Understand and use forms and function for expressing facts, ideas and opinions.

·     Listen to and understand different points of view.

·     Understand and express facts, ideas and opinions.

·     Examine critically ideas and opinions.

·     Differentiate between facts and opinion given in writing.




Module 5: Developing Effective

Presentation Skill

Module 6: Creativity Plus



o The Different Types of Presentations

o  Presentation Anxiety

o Appropriate Attire for Presentations

o Critical Points When Preparing for a Presentation

o Simple Techniques for Using Visual Aids

o The Importance of a Presentation Checklist






        Left Brain, Right Brain & Whole Brain Thinking

        Whole Brain Dancing

        Thinking Out of The Box

        Convergent & Divergent Thinking







Module 7: Non-Verbal


Module 8: Conflict and

Disagreement in Business



Importance of Non-Verbal

Communication in Business

  • Body Language
  •  Physical Contact
  • Physical Distance
  •  Presenting a Professional Image
  •  How the Business Environment

             Affects Communication



  • Understanding Conflict
  • The Role of Values
  • Conflict Resolution Values
  • Conflict Resolution Styles
  • Selecting a Conflict Resolution


  • Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • Active Listening
  • Tips for Active Listening
  • Before Listening
  • During Listening

